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Certification Providers (Vendors)

At first glance you may see that there are a LOT of vendors on this page. You may even be wondering what the term vendor actually refers to! Vendors, or certification providers, are the first point of contact in getting certified. Vendor is simply an industry term used in the certification world to refer to the organizations that offer certifications.

Vendors can be huge entities that do much more than certification, such as Microsoft or Cisco. Vendors can also be small independent certifiers that offer only a hand full of certs such as ISACA. Starting on your pathway to becoming a certified member of the IT world or another field always starts with picking out a suitable vendor. There are so many though that it can be intimidating for newcomers.

Why are there so many vendors?

The world of certification is vast, including hundreds of different tech companies, medical companies, and other certifications in nearly every field imaginable. Some vendors such as CompTIA are known worldwide for offering well-known certificates in fields such as entry level technology. Other vendors are extremely specific and may have a narrower focus. These vendors traditionally offer specialized intense certification such as the unique nursing certs like ACRN, Red Hat cyber-security certs, or networking certs. We offer materials for any major vendor you’ll find as well as an immense variety of smaller vendors.

How can I ever select a vendor out of all these options?

One of the handy features found at ExamTopics is our advanced search function meaning you can find your vendor and exam prep without sifting through hundreds of pages or waging a one-man battle against CAPTCHA. Our system is fast, efficient, and best of all free. That matters because you can take a moment and research the vendor that works for you without spending any money. That means there is zero risk in hopping over to a vendor section such as Amazon, selecting a certification such as AWS, opening up a practice exam, and taking it for free. Whether you research it yourself or browse through our options, selecting a vendor is free, fast, and doable. Our tests are also edited by experts and up to date so you can know TODAY if a vendor is right for you.

Once I select a vendor, how does certification work?

Certification is very diverse because the requirements for specific certifications shift depending on the vendor and cert you are pursuing. Many complex certs have base requirements consisting of a required amounts of proven work experience, prior certifications, and intense familiarity with a subject. ISACA and other intensive certifications fall into this category. Other certs are entry-level and merely require you to pass an exam or two. For instance, CompTIA A+ requires you to merely pass the 220-901 and 220-902 exam to get certified.

Why do employers care about certification?

Certification is most commonly seen in the IT industry as Information Technology is normally reliant on reproducible techniques and information. Because of the nature of IT, certifications help employers find skilled workers that have been specially trained without the risk involved in hiring unskilled workers. Potential employers know that certified individuals have proven skills and certification can help show off those intangible abilities that make us valuable in the working world. Tech changes so fast that new certs are needed all the time. For instance, VMware is dominating the server industry, so a cert for virtual machines says a ton to future employers. Or getting CPIM certified with APICS can help a business streamline inventory and other management tasks, making an employer eager to hire APICS certified employees. They can be placed in a variety of situations, even outside the traditional IT realm.

Why should I care about getting certified?

Are you frustrated that university costs years of time and hundreds of thousands of dollars? Do you want a career change? Are you seeking to jump up the ladder at your work? Certification is a way to gain valuable skills, prove that you have them, and leverage your gifts and abilities for greater compensation. It takes commitment and time but starting certifications can get you $60,000 annually and more in-demand certs such as those from Cisco will easily net six-figures. It’s a proven, challenging, but fast more efficient way to enter the work force with amazing compensation and downright epic skills.

Where do I start?

The next step is to select a vendor or cert provider. Some vendors like Microsoft are renowned worldwide and offer certs on nearly every topic. Other vendors are more focused, such as Salesforce, but can get a great position among some of the top tech companies. On the certification providers page you’ll find a list of relevant exams, some important information, and be one step closer to your dream job. If you still have questions, read a bit about us and why we do what we do as well. We at ExamTopics believe in what we do and know that we offer the best test prep around. With us you’ll find free exams, stellar community, expert help, and best of all, a new pathway to the life of your dreams!

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