Which two statements are true concerning the installation and configuration of the bootloader by the Anaconda installer, which is then used to boot Oracle Linux?
Correct Answer:
A (not C): Linux boot process from hard drive:
1. PC initializion phase - BIOS, POST.
2. PC starts boot loader - usually grub or lilo.
3. The bootloader locates kernel image on the hard drive.
4. The kernel decompresses and loads itself. Once finished it tries to mount the root filesystem. 5. When the root filesystem is mounted, /sbin/init is executed and continues booting the system using inittab and /etc/rc*.d scripts
You want to display the value of a shell variable called service after assigning a value as shown:
Which two settings will display the name of the variable and its value?
Correct Answer:
C: env - set the environment for command invocation
If no utility operand is specified, the resulting environment shall be written to the standard output, with one name= value pair per line.
Which statements is true concerning Oracle Linux configuration files for users and groups?
Correct Answer:
/etc/shadow file stores actual password in encrypted (one-way hashed) format for user's account with additional properties related to user password i.e. it stores secure user account information
Examine these statements and their output taken right after successful install of Oracle Linux:
[root@FAROUT /] rpm q firstboot
Firstboot -1.110.10-1.0.2.e16.x86_64
[root @FAROUT /] # chkconfig - - list firstboot
Firstboot 0:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6;off
[root@FAROUT /] # /etc/sysconfig/firstboot
What is the conclusion?
Correct Answer:
Firstboot is set to off for all levels.
The rm command below remove or delate the firstboot file in order to make sure the firstboot program running when we restart or reboot the Fedora machine.
[root@fedora ~]# rm /etc/sysconfig/firstboot
rm: remove regular file `/etc/sysconfig/firstboot'? y
[root@fedora ~]#
Then check and make sure that firstboot program or firstboot service is run when your Fedora startup/boot up.
Check firstboot services -
[root@fedora ~]# chkconfig --list firstboot
firstboot 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:off 4:off 5:off 6:off
[root@fedora ~]#